Of Weddings and Vineyards and Rural History in Italy
Of Weddings and Vineyards and Rural History in Italy Leggi l'articolo »
The planting of vines, the “vite maritata”, the “alberata” and other ancient methods of cultivation in Italy.
Of Weddings and Vineyards and Rural History in Italy Leggi l'articolo »
The planting of vines, the “vite maritata”, the “alberata” and other ancient methods of cultivation in Italy.
Italy’s ancient fruit preserves: the history of mostarda 🏺 Leggi l'articolo »
History of italian mostarda fruit preserve wih mustard seeds and cooed must
The Famous Rambella 🍇 Leggi l'articolo »
Papal State, 15th century. Banners bearing the ‘green boughs’ of the House of Ordelaffi from Forli waved in the cool breeze blowing through the hills of Romagna. Covered in gleaming steel mesh, the soldiers of the Lordship of Forlì were moving to the border of Ravenna to the north, to scan the horizon for the
The Traianus Decius apple of Modena 🍎 Leggi l'articolo »
Attila, king of the Huns, may have been an undisputed symbol of atrocity, ‘earthquake and traccetia‘, but even he had to beat a retreat against the magister militum Aetius, in command of a fierce troop of Goths and Germans, in the mid-fifth century in the bloody battle where Theodoric I, king of the Visigoths, also
On the Pàm Campanéin or the Chime Apple Leggi l'articolo »
That the Campanino Apple, or Pomo di Modena as it was known at the time, was extremely widespread to the point of becoming proverbial in centuries past, there is no shadow of doubt. Since the Middle Ages the broli (ancient orchard-gardens) of the Estense lands were rich in apple orchards, which in all likelihood included